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Hybrid Cloud Benefits for Businesses

Posted 8 years ago

What Is Hybrid Cloud Computing and What Benefits Does It Have for Business?

Some businesses need more flexibility than can be offered by dedicated servers, but they want the security and peace of mind afforded by private computing. That’s where hybrid cloud computing for business comes into play. Hybrid cloud computing, by definition, is a data infrastructure that comprises both public and private cloud computing, or cloud computing and dedicated servers. This allows businesses to allocate applications and processes according to where they will be best executed.

What Does This Mean for Businesses?

Using hybrid cloud computing has the advantage of providing a balanced approach to your computing needs. You can keep all of your clients’ privileged information and proprietary data on the private cloud or dedicated servers, which resides behind a firewall. Meanwhile, you use the public cloud (accessible by browser) for additional storage and to run repetitive or straightforward applications that require more computing power and would otherwise clutter up space on your private cloud or dedicated servers.

What Are the Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Computing for Business?

Maintain Flexibility in Computing Capacity

Many companies experience situations where they experience an uptick in the amount of processing power and storage they need, but it may be only temporarily. Hybrid cloud computing is perfect for such companies, as they have their secure private servers or cloud as well as the access to the public server to temporarily gain extra space while these applications or processes are running.

Reduce Costs

Most hybrid cloud setups will have options where you only pay for the extra cloud space when you use it. In other words, when you aren’t in the midst of those peak processing times where you need the extra space, you aren’t paying for computing you’re not using.

Get Direct Access When You Need It

You don’t usually want your proprietary information or private client files accessible through a browser, and you definitely don’t want to lose access to these if the internet goes out. That’s why, in a hybrid cloud system, such files can be kept on dedicated on-site servers that can be accessed directly.

Have Failover Options

Not all businesses are comfortable having their private files on the cloud, especially with rising concerns about net neutrality and ISP consolidation. This is particularly because this creates a single point of failure that can halt normal business operations. If the internet goes down, you can’t access your business, and many consider this an unacceptable risk. At the same time, if a natural disaster wipes out your on-site servers, not having any cloud backups (private or public) means that you have to rebuild all of that data from scratch, or worse, it could halt your business to the point of being unable to reopen. When you use hybrid computing, you have multiple failover options available.

Get Security Where You Need It Most

Though most cloud providers, both public and private, have significant security measures in place, it doesn’t always feel secure, and there are compliance issues in some industries (such as the financial and medical industries) that render some forms of cloud computing too risky. When this is the case, private cloud computing and/or on-site servers may be the more appropriate option, while still offering the public cloud computing for those times when you need the added capacity.

Is Hybrid Cloud Computing Right for My Business?

Possibly, but it depends on the needs of your business and your budgetary constraints. Before deciding on a hybrid cloud model for your company, consider the individual usage requirements, the sensitivity level of the data you handle, industry regulations, budget, and other important factors.

If you aren’t sure if this method of computing is right for your business, give C1C a call. We have the expertise in data centers, cloud computing, network installation and design, and more to help you figure out what our company needs. Moreover, we’ll work with you to complete your IT infrastructure project within your timeframe and your budget. Get in touch with one of our IT infrastructure professionals at 855-TECH-C1C (855-832-4212) or contact us online today!