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The Benefits of Pink Noise for Office Environments

Posted 9 years ago

Across the world, loud offices are consistently labeled as one of the top factors that cause employee stress and contribute to lower productivity levels. Numerous studies have found that noise may negatively affect office workers’ ability to concentrate and diminish overall task performance.

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One of the newest technologies through which companies are seeking to combat the plague of noisy office environments is by implementing pink noise sound masking systems.

What is Pink Noise?

Pink noise is, at its most basic, a type of noise that combines various frequencies of sound at lower and more consistent frequencies on the sound spectrum than its ever-popular cousin, white noise. Called pink noise because light with a similar power spectrum is perceived by the human eye as pink, it is largely used for its highly effective sound masking properties.

Pink noise operates on the spectrum at a similar point to human speech, which is what makes it so effective for sound masking. Examples of pink noise are often compared to natural sounds, like wind or rushing water, or innocuous office sounds such as the rumble of an air conditioning unit.

Pink Noise for Increased Productivity & Improved Customer Service

Pink noise is an affordable and effective way to increase productivity, decrease employee stress, and improve customer service. In fact, sound masking can provide benefits for any office with a building that was not acoustically designed for privacy, such as those with thin walls, high ceilings, and wide open spaces.

  • Call Centers: With constant conversations filling large rooms that are often loud and tend to echo, call centers can see huge benefits from pink noise. Sound masking systems can counteract the environmental noise, conveying the impression to the person on the line that no one other than the representative is speaking.
  • Companies with Open Office Plans: Open office plans have become a hugely popular layout format for businesses in the past decade, particularly in the start-up community. But open offices severely diminish the ability to privately discuss a topic, and common office noises (such as co-worker conversations and computer use) can easily become a nuisance. Sound masking with pink noise can cancel out these distractions, allowing for a quieter work place and more private communication.

Office Sound Masking for Maintaining Privacy and Security

Not only can loud offices cause inordinate amounts of stress for employees, customers, and anyone else exposed to the environment, they can also cause privacy and security concerns. Sound masking systems using pink noise are a straightforward solution for any office where sensitive information is frequently a topic of conversation.

  • Healthcare Environments: Any office where sensitive medical information is shared and discussed can benefit from a sound masking system. Not only do doctor’s offices, clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, and other medical facilities want to make their patients feel as comfortable as possible, they are also legally bound to comply with the speech privacy requirements under HIPAA regulations.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, accountants, and any other businesses where financial information is regularly discussed are prime candidates for sound masking systems. Using pink noise can help to ensure client privacy and company compliance with GLBA rules.
  • Legal Offices: Using pink noise to ensure the privacy of sensitive legal conversations is an excellent choice for businesses and individuals who offer legal or law-related services, where privacy and discretion are often of the utmost importance.

Installing a Pink Noise Sound Masking System in Your Office

If you’ve made the decision to invest in a pink noise sound masking system for your office, it’s important to make sure that it is installed correctly. A poorly installed system can cause more problems than it fixes—if the frequency is too severe, it could be distracting, annoying, and require employees to raise their voices to converse; alternatively, if the frequency is set too low, it could be completely ineffective.

To avoid these potential issues, ensure that your sound masking system is installed and calibrated by a licensed professional.