Things to Consider When Re-Cabling a Data Center There are plenty of reasons your company may have for wanting to re-cable a data center. If your company’s network is slowing down or if it just can’t keep up, this may be due to outdated or bad data center cabling issues. Plus, enterprise storage and global […]
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The C1C Blog: IT News, Trends, Information, and Industry Updates
The information technology world is constantly shifting, changing, and evolving, with new technologies being developed and popularized all the time.
At C1C, we are passionate about information technology and are dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of the IT infrastructure industry. Follow our blog to keep up with the latest IT news, trends, information, and industry updates you need to know about to keep your business competitive in an ever-changing environment.
Network Cabling Basics For Your Office Relocation Project
Network Cabling Basics for Office Relocation: The Who, Where, What, When, Why and How of Moving into a New Office Moving offices? You’ve certainly got a lot to do. Of course, you and your employees may not be experts on everything. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of questions regarding network cabling basics for office […]
Read MoreNetwork Infrastructure Requirements – Determining Wiring & Cabling Needs
Network Infrastructure Requirements: How to Determine the Appropriate Cabling for Your Business’s Needs When building your IT infrastructure, it’s important to have a detailed plan-of-action. Cutting corners and rushing now can lead to a lot of headaches and lost money and time in the future. When determining your network infrastructure requirements, go through and consider […]
Read MoreThings to Consider When Choosing a Data Center or Colocation Provider
What to Consider When Choosing a Data Center or Colocation Provider For some companies, storing and managing data on-site is either not feasible or not cost-effective. If this is the situation your company is in, you need to decide what sort of data center would best suit your company. Do you need an all-in-one data […]
Read More10 Mistakes to Avoid When Running Network Cable
When trying to set up a new office environment or revamping an old one, some things may get overlooked in the whirlwind of things you need to do. However, if you rush through the complex process of running network cable in your office, you may find your company facing hidden costs, maintenance headaches, and slowed […]
Read MoreThe Pros and Cons of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policies in the Workplace
Over the past several years, bring your own device policies have been growing in popularity in a variety of workplaces. These workplace rules allow employees to utilize their own laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other electronic devices for work. While this can be a boon to your employees’ morale and your bottom line, there are significant […]
Read MoreThe Difference Between Cable and Fiber Optic Internet
The newest tech to hit the internet service market is fiber optic internet, but is it as good as everyone claims? What is it, exactly? What are the pros and cons of fiber optic internet? How does it stack up against cable? At C1C, we understand that, with any new technological innovation, businesses and consumers […]
Read MoreBecoming and Staying HIPAA Compliant with the Right Network Infrastructure
If your company holds or handles confidential, sensitive patient medical information and health records, it is crucial to ensure that you remain HIPAA compliant for the safety of your patients and your business. You need to make sure that any data centers storing that information are HIPAA compliant; similarly, your staff must be trained and […]
Read MoreThe Importance of Access Control Systems in Hospitals
When most people consider places that might need access control systems, hospitals usually aren’t very high up on the list. Generally, when we think of facilities needing security, financial institutions, security companies, government buildings, and similar locations come to mind, but hospitals are just as vulnerable to security breaches. Healthcare facilities often have a number […]
Read MoreChoosing the Best Access Control System for your Business
Access control systems are most often associated with financial or government facilities, but these security solutions can be important for other industries and businesses as well, regardless of size. Different types of companies all have different types of security needs. Thus, when choosing an access control system for your facility, it’s important to consider what […]
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