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Sound Masking Systems for Medical Offices & Hospitals

Posted 8 years ago

Sound Masking Systems for Medical Offices, Hospitals, and Other Healthcare Facilities

Whether you run a hospital, doctor’s office, surgical center, wellness clinic, or any other type of medical facility, you know that the confidentiality of your patients’ personal and medical information is crucial to remaining HIPAA compliant. So, if you have already established a relationship with an IT services provider and ensured your network is HIPAA compliant, you may be wondering if you can do more to offer your patients security and ensure the privacy of their information.

The answer is yes, absolutely.

Even though you have their digital information locked down pretty tightly, patients’ information can still be vulnerable. Whenever a patient gives a nurse his or her information at the reception desk or nurses discuss patient care with other care staff and doctors, that information is briefly out in the open for others to overhear. That’s where sound masking systems come into play for medical offices.

What Do Sound Masking Systems Do?

Sound masking systems produce “white noise,” a low, monotonous hum that sounds similar to an air conditioning system. This hum operates at the same frequencies as the human voice, interrupting the sound vibrations from voices so they don’t travel more than a few feet. In other words, sound masking systems keep conversations between participants without letting the sound travel to unintended ears.

What Purpose Does White Noise Have in Medical Offices?

Hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, and other medical facilities have confidential information in spades. HIPAA requires medical professionals to keep medical records and information private, yet the quiet hush in waiting rooms, reception areas, and hallways in hospitals often make that difficult. With white noise, that confidential information can’t be easily overheard by unintended listeners, whether those conversations entail a nurse talking on the phone to follow up with a patient, a doctor informing a nurse of a patient’s status, or any other instance where medical information is passed verbally.

But it’s not just about more privacy. Sound masking systems offer hospitals and other healthcare facilities a host of other benefits as well, such as:

Distraction Reduction

When you’re working in the medical field, people’s lives could literally be on the line. Mistakes shouldn’t happen, which means that you need to keep distractions to a minimum. Sound masking does more for medical offices than disrupt the sounds of conversations (which can be distracting), but these systems also mask the sounds associated with clicking keyboards, ticking clocks, beeping monitors, and other potential distractions.

Stress Reduction

The medical field is stressful enough without the distractions. When your healthcare facility has a sound masking system, your employees face fewer distractions and may be more focused, so they are less likely to experience the stress that goes hand-in-hand with consistent interruptions in their concentration.

Increased Productivity and Accuracy

It’s a simple fact that employees who are less stressed and less distracted are more productive and accurate in their work. This goes for any field, but medical professionals arguably need this focus more than anyone. When noise that could interfere with a nurse or doctor’s activities is appropriately masked, they can do their job more thoroughly, quickly, and precisely.

Higher Patient Satisfaction Rates

When your doctors, nurses, and staff are less stressed and more focused, patients will likely notice. Furthermore, when they are assured that everyone isn’t overhearing their personal medical information, patients may feel much more confident about coming to your facility. It’s a win-win situation.

Need Sound Masking for Your Medical Offices or Hospitals? Get It Done Right with C1C!

Whether you have a small doctor’s office or a large hospital, Customer 1st Communications can install the right sound masking system the right way. We’ll work within your budget and time frame to turn your healthcare facility into a more work-conducive environment with stronger patient confidentiality. For your free consultation, call 855-TECH-C1C (855-832-4212) or contact us online and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.